All MapBiomas products are constantly evolving. It is divided in Collections:

December 2024
Collection 4

published in December 2024, it includes 10 classes of legend and covers the period 1985-2023

November 2023
Collection 3

published in November 2023 with a legend of 8 classes and covering the period 1985-2022.

December 2022
Collection 2

published in December 2022 with a legend of 8 classes and covering the period 1985-2021.

May 2021
Collection 1

published in May 2021 with a legend of  8 classes and covering the period 2000-2019.

ATTENTION: Maps in the MapBiomas Pampa collections are evolving products. Make sure to always use the latest version available. It is recommended to use MapBiomas Pampa maps up to a scale of 1:100,000. Although it is possible to view them at a larger scale (1:50,000), we do not recommend using them at this scale. The data describing the landscape dynamics for the biome are constantly developing. For more information on the methodology, visit the ATBD.